Monday, April 12, 2010

Holy cow! The show went well. A very, very special thanks to Alica Forneret, and to all of the people who showed up and supported us. We made around five hundred dollars; we're not all the way where we need to be yet, but it's certainly a very, very, very good start. The bands were amazing, the company was incredible, and the Jamborees got everyone at the place bouncing. To those of you who couldn't make it, you missed out!

I come to the point now (I promise there will be all sorts of rad pictures and things after this) where I gotta plug us. We have a paypal account (, and need donations! We encourage them in any amount; just a few dollars can feed one of us for a day, as well as keeping us warm and safe and sheltered and all of that. We've already gotten two donations, and would love more! Anything helps!

But I imagine all ya'll want some meat to this post -- here ya go.

A few of our very favorite people, including hitchhiker Michael Albini

That's Joel, security master extraordinaire.

The first band, Park

The second band, Curdle Motif

The third band, The Raga

Wine bottle candle holders


Sunshine Factory

The last two are picture of The Jamborees, who stole the show and got the whole party dancing.

“The use of traveling is to regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking how things may be, to see them as they are.” –Samuel Johnson

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